These two areas of your business, while not glamorous, are perhaps the most important part of business management. After all, you can't operate a successful business without knowing the numbers and having employees that help you retain and grow your customer base.
DMS DX+ features highly integrated Financial applications including Sales (Order Entry), Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Payroll that all feed the General Ledger. This automated Financial integration saves time and headaches and gives you the information you need to make the right business decisions.
Accounts Payable
Write checks and tracks credits, discounts, partial payments, and recurring obligations, enabling you to effectively manage your business expenses. It includes numerous vendor and payables inquiries and an extensive library of expense analysis reports.
Accounts Payable Features
- On-Line Accounts Payable Entry/Edit/lnquiry - Current Payable information is available to the user on demand.
- A/P Distribution Reports for General Ledger - Information to be updated to the General Ledger may be printed for review prior to General Ledger updating.
- Paid Vendor Invoice Report - This report shows vendor invoices that have been paid.
- Outstanding A/P Report by Vendor - This report shows outstanding invoices with due dates and discounts available.
- Supports Multiple Bank Accounts - Special bank accounts may be utilized for specified payments by location.
- Monthly Check Register - A monthly check register is available for printing.
- Automatic or Manual Invoice Payment Selection - Invoices may be selected for payment automatically by the System or manually selected by the user.
- Full Processing and Reporting for One-Time Vendors - System analysis is available for vendors from which a single purchase is made.
- Automatic Search for Duplicate Invoices - The System will check to insure that invoices are not entered or paid more than once.
- Inter-company Transactions Automatically Posted to Inter-company Accounts - Inter-company transactions are flagged for proper processing.
- Automatic Removal of Items from Open Payables for Manual Check Payments - Manual or hand checks may be recorded and applied against open Payables.
- On-Line Cash Requirements by Company - Cash requirements listings are available by company, according to Vendor terms including extended dating.
- Accepts Multiple Payments & Due Dates for a Single Invoice - Invoices with multiple terms and due dates may be processed by the System.
- Reports 1099 History - 1099 payment information is recorded by the System.
- On-Line Validation of Vendor and General Ledger Account Distribution - Vendor and General Ledger account information is verified by the System prior to entry acceptance.
- Transaction Edit and File Control Reporting Transactions may be edited prior to updating.
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Features
- Order Entry integration with Accounts Receivable
- Batch Accounts Receivable
- Cash application
- Accounts Receivable Inquiries
- Day close activities
- Service charge calculation
- Statement processing
- Month close activities
- Archiving Messaging Notes
- DMS Systems are designed to maximize the efficiency of cash management and offer “On-Line” Accounts Receivable and Cash Application control.
- Both “Balance Forward” and “Open Item” Accounts Receivable procedures are selectable by customer.
- Accounts Receivable inquiry for credit checking, credit aging, date of last payment, returns and warranty analysis.
- “Core” balances are available instantly “On-Line”. This allows the user to maintain minute-by-minute control over his customers’ receivables.
Accounts Receivable Highlights
- Balance Forward, Open Item, or Flexible Julian Aging by Customer - The System has the ability to handle all Accounts Receivable functions from posting payments to generating statements for Balance Forward, Open Item, or Flexible Aging by customer accounts. Different types may be specified for different customers.
- Create A/R Transactions External to Order Entry - Transactions may be entered into the System without using the order entry process (batch A/R entry).
- Multiple Customer Types (Standard Customer, Inter-company, Supplier/Vendor) - Multiple customer types may be established to handle special needs. For example, Inter-company Activity may be set up to track receivables due from branch operations. This activity is separated from normal Accounts Receivable analysis.
- Monthly and Weekly Statements - System supports both monthly and weekly statement management.
- Six (6) Aging Periods (User-Defined) - Up to six (6) Accounts Receivable Aging periods may be defined by the user (Futures, Current, 30,60,90, 120, etc.).
- Unlimited User-Defined Billing Terms - Billing terms such as 2/10 Net 30 days, 30-60-90 dating, etc. may be user-defined as necessary.
- Credit Manager Controls - A credit manager may be assigned to a specific customer(s) for credit follow-up.
- Flexible Month Closing - Next month’s business may be processed without closing the prior month’s activity.
- User-Defined Statement Message - Customized messages may be printed on A/R statements.
- Invoice Register with User-Defined Sorts - This report shows daily invoice activity with margin analysis and may be sorted as desired.
- Daily and MTD Invoice Registers - Invoice registers provide sales information on a daily and MTD basis.
- Daily and MTD Cash Distribution Reports - Cash distribution information may be listed to provide detailed information on cash movement.
- Aged Trial Balance with User-Defined Sorts - This report lists summary or detailed aging by customer and may be sorted as desired by the user.
- Monthly Sales Tax Report - This report shows summary of applicable City, County, and State taxes (multiple states, etc., may be listed).
- Daily Listing of Customers Exceeding Credit Limit - Customers exceeding their credit limit are listed for management review and action.
- Past Due Collections Report - This procedure lists in descending order all past due accounts starting with the customer that owes the largest amount for the longest period of time.
- Printing of Statements On-Demand - Statements for one or more customers may be printed at any time.
- Customer Mailing Labels - This procedure prints labels by customer classifications (user-defined) for promotional mailing activities.
- Note Pad - This feature allows Accounts Receivable clerks to make notes with System generated automatic prompting for follow-up collection calls.
- Complete Credit History by Customer - Customer credit information such as highest amount owed, date of last payment, etc. is provided by the System.
- Open A/R - Flexible inquiry to display total open A/R by age period, by salesman, for past due accounts only, for Accounts Receivable accounts with no activity since user-defined date or combination of parameters.
- Paid History - Inquiry access to paid history file by customer, tender type, check, or credit card number, payment amount, or combination of parameters.
- Service Charge Applied by Customer - Service charge billing may be specified by customer.
- Variable Service Charge Rate by Location - Service charge rates may be specified by warehouse location.
- User-Defined Minimum Service Charges - A minimum service charge may be specified by the user.
- Option to Edit Service Charges - Service charges may be reviewed and edited prior to posting on statements.
- Monthly Service Charge Report - This report provides a listing of customers to whom service charges were made.
- Invoice Search Feature During Cash Application - A specific invoice may be searched and updated during cash application.
- Customer Overpayments Allowed - The System will allow the overpayment of an account.
- Cash Application Update and Edit Report - This procedure lists all cash application transactions made to the Accounts Receivable file.
- Automatic Offset - Credits in one aging period may be offset against debits in another aging period with user controlled parameters for balance forward accounts.
- Cash Discounts - Automatic processing of System calculated cash discounts by discount date.
General Ledger
General Ledger gives you advanced financial reporting, designed to meet the needs of today’s businesses with the capability of producing daily P&L and Balance Sheets. Entries can be posted to current, previous, and future periods from any DMS application. Comprehensive and flexible report formats provide over 60 financial, comparative, budget, and audit trail options.
General Ledger Features
- Report Writer Supports User-Defined Financial Reporting - Financial Statements and other reports may be designed by the user.
- Chart of Accounts with Multiple Company and Department Capability - General ledger account numbers provide flexibility to handle multiple companies and departments.
- Earnings Statement Showing Month and YTD in Summary or Detail - User-defined statements allow either detailed or summary statement information to be printed.
- Automated Interface to A/P and Payroll - The General Ledger can be automatically updated by the Accounts Payable, Payroll and Sales & Inventory System modules.
- Earnings Comparative Analysis Using Budget and Actual Data - Actual activity may be compared to budget.
- Balance Sheet in Summary or Detail with Comparative Analysis - User-defined balance sheets may be printed with summary or detailed information.
- Earnings Statement and Balance Sheet Available for Department / Company(ies) or Combined - Statements may be printed for a single company or combined for an aggregated view of operations.
- Automated Creation of Accounts for New Department / Company - Existing accounts may be copied to a new department or company.
- On-Line Editing of Journal Entries - Journal entries may be recalled and edited prior to posting.
- Recurring and Standard Entries May be Adjusted and Automatically Posted - Recurring entries may be processed by the System.
- Detail General Ledger with Monthly and YTD Activity - Detailed General Ledger reports are available.
- On-Line Inquiry to Account Balances and Activity Detail - Account inquires may be made at any time.