Improve Your PO Management Today!

Improve Inventory Lead Times & Billing accuracy to increase Profitability.

DMS Qwik-Linkā„¢ EDI allows Distributors & Manufacturers to electronically place orders and monitor System-to-System business transactions with their Vendors and Customers. Moving from a paper-based exchange of business documents to one that is electronically automated provides these major benefits:

  • Substantial reductions in labor costs
  • Automate administrative paper work
  • Less errors & shorter P.O. lead times
  • Highlights pricing & quantity variances
  • Increased PO processing speed & accuracy
  • Improved Business KPls
  • Specialty EDI / FTP Group Interfaces
  • Real-time EDI Bl Dashboard

Call now to see how DMS can improve your PO Management!
252.985.2500 X 208

Contact us Today!



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